M E D I C A L O F F I C E . P R O


Broker Experts for Healthcare Heroes

Prescribing Your Ideal Location to Buy, Sell, or Lease.

Work with Us

We believe that

Whatever work you do, we can help.

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Meet The Team

Landlord Representation

Find out why we currently represent over 573,000 SF of Office, Medical, and Retail.


Duis aute irure dolor in pariatur in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla.

Owner Users

Duis aute irure dolor in pariatur in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla.

Tenant Representation

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Broker Opinion of Value

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Market Comps/Reports

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Who we are

Building the Foundation for Healthy Communities, One Office at a Time.

Adam Comora

Executive Vice President

Todd Rizzardi

Senior Associate

Ann Gloraine

Marketing Assistant

Arnel Tan

Client Relations
Work with Us
Clarify Your Vision

Clarify Your Vision

We collaborate with you to evaluate your goals and design a tailored strategy for your medical office requirements to buy, sell, or lease.

Refine Your Options

Refine Your Options

We meticulously analyze the market, curate the strongest opportunities, and refine our approach until we identify your ideal outcome.

Realize Your Success

Realize Your Success

We diligently manage every detail to ensure your medical office vision becomes reality.

“Original, creative and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, Rave are always a pleasure to work with.”

Hunter Romero

Uber Driver

“Original, creative and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, Rave are always a pleasure to work with.”

Hunter Romero

Uber Driver

What’s New

Clubs & Organizations Duplicate post

Massa sociosqu ab incidunt aute modi incidunt aliquet. Laborum dictumst sunt aut, blanditiis erat? Vel, commodo quia praesentium totam facilisi! Lacus nam reprehenderit repellat torquent potenti, suscipit viverra, harum eum

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Clubs & Organizations

Massa sociosqu ab incidunt aute modi incidunt aliquet. Laborum dictumst sunt aut, blanditiis erat? Vel, commodo quia praesentium totam facilisi! Lacus nam reprehenderit repellat torquent potenti, suscipit viverra, harum eum

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Student playing basket ball

Athletics & Recreation

Massa sociosqu ab incidunt aute modi incidunt aliquet. Laborum dictumst sunt aut, blanditiis erat? Vel, commodo quia praesentium totam facilisi! Lacus nam reprehenderit repellat torquent potenti, suscipit viverra, harum eum

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Work with us

Grow Your Medical Business with the Pro’s!

Work with Us

Prescribing Your Ideal Location to Buy, Sell, or Lease.



15821 Ventura Blvd, Suite 320, Encino, CA 91436



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